Thursday, September 12, 2013

My Inner Extrovert

So Tuesday marked the beginning of my 6th graduate class!!!  I am officially halfway through my Master's Degree!  Go me!  When all is said and done, I will have a Master's in Reading and Language Arts and an endorsement for my teaching certificate as a Reading Specialist!!  This particular class is an elective and the topic is Teaching Reading and Language Arts with an emphasis on writing.  UGH!!!  I already took a writing class and it almost killed me!  One of our requirements is to write a collection of poems.  We were given a model that the professor wanted us to use as a guide to free write a poem in class, this is what I came up with (modeled after Everyone Needs A Father by Stephanie Miller):
Everybody Needs A Maid

Everybody needs a maid.
When your home is in chaos,
your life is in chaos.

It is not okay for the Laundry Fairy
to make her bi-weekly appearance.
One's hamper should not be overflowing.
The Broom Fairy cannot possible tackle 
the dust bunnies under the bed alone.
When shoes are being pushed out from under the bed,
it's too late.

Justification to hubby for a maid:
#1 Your socks, undies, pants and shirts 
do not walk themselves to the washer and dryer,
then neatly put themselves away
(contrary to what you may believe).
If you want dinner ready when you walk in the door,
laundry needs to be taken care of.

#2 Dust bunnies should not be permitted to grow teeth.
Running the vacuum, pushing a mop or swishing a broom
fall low on the daily need list
(somewhere after sleep).
A good maid would prevent teeth baring dust bunnies.

#3 A maid needs to clean
like we wish we could clean,
if we had time and energy.

When it came time to share our ideas, my classmates wrote wonderful ideas such as Everybody Needs A Hug, Everybody Needs A Friend, and Everybody Needs Love.  Yep I was that student...the class clown!!!  Who knew that the girl who used to hide behind her mother's leg and break down in tears when she went somewhere new would find her inner extrovert at age 32 in a graduate class!!


  1. We always knew that clown w the. What fun to see it taking center stage. I love the poem. Your former laundry fairy!

  2. Nice poem but may be too derivative. Like I would know......
