Sunday, May 5, 2013

The View From the Porch (or in today's case the bay window)

So living in the center of town there are days where it can be very exciting on my street.  Not like car chase exciting, like where is the camera to catch the look on my face kind of exciting.  Yesterday was no different.  It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, people were out walking their dogs or doing yard work.  DH was outside mowing the front lawn and Peanut and I were in the house working on a scrapbook.  All of a sudden I no longer heard the lawn mower and looked out the window.  DH was speaking with someone who was parking in front of our neighbor's house.  As I am watching, a person comes from the direction of the ally that runs on the other side of our neighbor's house, yelling and looking angry. Hmmmm, what in the world could be going on?
On Friday, DH spoke with the owner of the building on the corner of our street as we are having difficulties with the tenants of the building parking up all of the spaces in front of our house (thus leaving garbage on our lawn) and the tenants also bring their large dog down to do his business on our lawn.  Now, I am a dog lover, I have 3 of my own but there is a reason my dogs do their business in the back yard, also we live in a town where it is expected that you clean up after your dog when you walk them.  Well that isn't happening and we found many little gifts in our yard.  Anywho, the landlord told DH that he should write a nice letter or speak to the tenants about this less than desirable behavior.
The opportunity presented itself yesterday.  However I don't think it went planned the way the landlord felt it would.  DH was called every name under the sun and pretty much told they will continue to do whatever they want.  Awesome.  Fortunately, a police officer was readily available and DH had a very productive conversation with him.  Maybe once they get a ticket for their dog doo we can lay this to rest.  

*As a side note, after I began writing this, I noticed a large group of teens walking down the street.  They proceeded to walk through every yard on our street, maybe they need a flip flop full of dog doo!


  1. The view from your porch is fascinating. For a small town you have some real action going on there. One time I saw the two gents in front of the Post Office: one held a picture of the current President made up to look like Adolph Hitler and the other held a sign saying " honk if you want to impeach Obama"! We're can you get action like that?

    Every day I observed police coming and going to the nearby auto repair shop!

    As far as the dog do: karma has a way of taking care of that problem. In the meantime watch where you walk.

  2. BTW there IS a blog titled "View From The Porch" ( It's one of my daily reads....
