Thursday, September 12, 2013

My Inner Extrovert

So Tuesday marked the beginning of my 6th graduate class!!!  I am officially halfway through my Master's Degree!  Go me!  When all is said and done, I will have a Master's in Reading and Language Arts and an endorsement for my teaching certificate as a Reading Specialist!!  This particular class is an elective and the topic is Teaching Reading and Language Arts with an emphasis on writing.  UGH!!!  I already took a writing class and it almost killed me!  One of our requirements is to write a collection of poems.  We were given a model that the professor wanted us to use as a guide to free write a poem in class, this is what I came up with (modeled after Everyone Needs A Father by Stephanie Miller):
Everybody Needs A Maid

Everybody needs a maid.
When your home is in chaos,
your life is in chaos.

It is not okay for the Laundry Fairy
to make her bi-weekly appearance.
One's hamper should not be overflowing.
The Broom Fairy cannot possible tackle 
the dust bunnies under the bed alone.
When shoes are being pushed out from under the bed,
it's too late.

Justification to hubby for a maid:
#1 Your socks, undies, pants and shirts 
do not walk themselves to the washer and dryer,
then neatly put themselves away
(contrary to what you may believe).
If you want dinner ready when you walk in the door,
laundry needs to be taken care of.

#2 Dust bunnies should not be permitted to grow teeth.
Running the vacuum, pushing a mop or swishing a broom
fall low on the daily need list
(somewhere after sleep).
A good maid would prevent teeth baring dust bunnies.

#3 A maid needs to clean
like we wish we could clean,
if we had time and energy.

When it came time to share our ideas, my classmates wrote wonderful ideas such as Everybody Needs A Hug, Everybody Needs A Friend, and Everybody Needs Love.  Yep I was that student...the class clown!!!  Who knew that the girl who used to hide behind her mother's leg and break down in tears when she went somewhere new would find her inner extrovert at age 32 in a graduate class!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Who Says That?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Today was the first official day back to school for kiddos around the state.  As I was greeting my new class, DH took the peanut to her first day of preschool.  While unpacking Peanut's belongings in her cubby, DH heard a mother knocking on the door.  After unpacking her let the mama in the building. *Side note: I would have ignored the mother and if she questioned me later told her that for the safety of our children we just can't open the doors whenever we see fit but that is me.  Anywho, when DH let her in the building she asked "What took you so long?" to which he replied absolutely nothing and ignored her.  When they reached the classroom, Peanut's teacher exclaimed as she walked in the door "Hi beautiful (Peanut) we missed you!!!  You are so beautiful!!!"  Of course my kid totally eats this up!  The other mother stated matter of factly "She's not that beautiful." WHO SAYS THAT?!?!?!? Apparently that mom does.  What a terrible lesson for both children!!  Her child learns at a young age that you can say whatever you feel even if it hurts someone and Peanut learns at a young age that some people do not filter their thoughts before they hit their mouths.  Fortunately, Peanut did not hear this as it was the first day of school and she was "so excited" that she barely stood still for a picture!!!!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Oh The Places I Could Go...

This summer was one that was unique.  Normally Peanut and I enjoy the sunshine and spend time just hanging out around the house.  This summer not only flew by but as I really started to reflect, I realized I spent most of the summer in the car!  If I really wanted to be exact I traveled 3,134.64 miles for a total time of 54 hours and 44 minutes. 

All of this driving got me thinking, where else could I have gone?  This is what I have come up with:

Houston, Texas - My brother has just moved there and I could have driven there and back in 2,697.08 miles leaving me an extra 437.56 miles.

Denver, CO - Just a random place that I would like to see.  I could have driven there and back in 2,624.06 miles leaving me an extra 510.58 miles.

I wonder where else I could go???


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Back to School Back to School

So this time of year, every year, the words "Back to School" are everywhere.  All I hear in my head is Adam Sandler singing in Billy Madison:

Sorry I can't help it!  It just makes me LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! 

Anywho, as any teacher will tell you, as much as we get to enjoy the "summer off" we are constantly working just not necessarily in the confines of our classroom.  This week I have had the privilege to participate in Kagan training.  If you are unfamiliar with this check it out!!!  I cannot remember having this much fun in a Professional Development session!!  There are so many structures it is almost overwhelming!  The course I am in is 5 days - 8:30 to 4:00.  This makes for some very long days and some extremely mushy brain!!!  However, this being said, I have come home every night, jumped on Pinterest and Google looking for more ideas!!  I am very excited to implement these structures and procedures in my classroom.  Once I have got this going, I will share pictures!!!!  If you have any experiences that you would like to share, please do!!!!!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Halfway to 60

So this week it is the great Bohunk family vacation!  I would apologize for my lack of posts but alas, only 3 people actually read this anyway!  Per his usual, my brother once again celebrated his birthday on vacation.  This kid has spent his birthday in Reno, Missinabi Headwaters, Cincinnati, Branson,  Fox River, Virginia, a Bahamas Cruise, Boundary Waters in Minnesota to name a fewI mean really?!?!?!?!?!?  Anyway, this summer was the BIG 3-0 and mom and I wanted to really go all out!!!  Of course, none of these ideas would have been possible without the assistance of Pinterest!  
Project Number 1:
"30 Gifts for your 30th Birthday"
As fun as this sounds, no one wants to receive 30 gifts!  Plus, what do you really get without going broke?  So modified:

As you can see, these are not new items.  Mom went through J's room and found a plethora of things that all had hilarious stories to accompany them.  
Project Number 2:
Memory Book
At the beginning of May, I began Facebook stalking J in order to contact his friends.  This was much easier said than done as his settings only allowed me to see our mutual friends.  In comes the help of J's beautiful fiance! JT was able to give me names and ways to get in touch with people.  Below is the "finished" product (I say this because people are still sending me emails and pictures - J may get a volume 2!):

It was a wonderful celebration!!!!  Happy 30th J!!!!  Remember...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Proud Mama/Proud Teacher Moment

Today I had the pleasure of waiting 40 minutes while new tires were installed on the goat mobile (long story).  While we were waiting I had the second pleasure of entertaining the 4 year old peanut.  Thank goodness for books and my phone!!  After we had read all of the books we brought with us, it was time to let peanut play on my phone.  I have an app for sight word practice and well it's never too early right?
The way the app works is the word comes on the screen and is pronounced out loud, then I have peanut repeat the word and we spell it together (I can't help it, it's the teacher in me!) then move to the next word.  Peanut took this one step further and began using each word in a sentence!  Wait! What? I almost fell off my chair!  Now these sentences were not always grammatically correct and some got a little silly but WOW!!!!  I am a proud mama/proud teacher!!!  Who knows? Maybe we will be reading by the end of the year!?!?!?!?!?!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Candy Crushed

So I hate to admit it but I have become one of those people that are addicted to the game Candy Crush!!!  But I am not alone in this!!!  DH originally started playing and got me hooked of course now I sit at level 79 and he is a little behind (but I'm not competitive!).  I know have my mom playing it and she is FRUSTRATED (I know, this is what we call a 'first world problem')!!  At last conversation about the game she told me that she is "still on the same stupid level" she was at when I left their house a few weeks ago.  Well not so much anymore.
I called there today and my dad answered.  I asked him what he was doing and he told me "playing Candy Crush"!  Uh oh!!  Now him?  Oh but this story gets better!
Few hours later dad calls:

"Hey dad what's up?"

"You're mom is going to be mad at me."

"Why? What did you do?"

"Well remember how I told you I was playing Candy Crush?" (on her IPad)


"Well I beat the level."

"I have a spare bedroom if you need somewhere to stay!"

Mom isn't home yet but this is sure funny!!  Who knew that this game would possess us the way it does?   

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Scrapbook Chic

So far this year I have been a crafty bee!  Since January I have cranked out 3 scrapbooks for people as a wedding gift.  My only regret is that I did not take pictures of all of them  except for this one.  This was a collaborative effort between  myself and Suzy (two heads really are better than one!).  So in two Saturdays and some Lifetime Movies we created the following.  

 The album we purchased at Archiver's
I like this type of album because the ring style helps give extra room for large flowers and brads that cause the paper to push up.  
Paper was purchased at Michael's   and JoAnn's.
Layouts were various inspirations from Pinterest.

Monday, June 24, 2013

It's The Little Things

Sometimes just the smallest moment renews my faith in humanity.  Everyday I watch the news and after a while it can get a bit depressing.  I am an urban teacher, I see things that quite frankly are not fair.  But yesterday I had one of those small moments that remind me that there is good in this world.  I was packing my car getting ready to leave my parents' house after a fantastic visit and we heard a motorcycle ride.  Mom explained to me that this was a ride that happens every year.  These riders were taking stuffed animals to the local hospital for the children who were patients.  She wasn't kidding!  There were HUGE stuffed animals on the back of these bikes riding through!!!  It gave me that lump you get in your throat before you cry!!!  What an amazing journey for those riders and their care packages!!!  Thank you!!!!  Sometimes even the smallest moments carry big messages!!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

And...The Kids Turned Out Okay (Part 1)

Well here I am on a little vacation at mom and dad's.  I have come to realize a few things while here:

1. When all else fails, dad takes care of it.
2. Sometimes when I open my mouth my mom comes out.
3. Sometimes when I open my mouth my dad comes out.
4. The kids turned out okay.

Okay, I realize that I am a grown-up or as I put it ever so eloquently when I am on a roll "I am a grown a** woman!".  I also know that I am extremely capable as that is how my parents raised me, however, there are times when I just need help or more hours in the day (I would gladly work with either!).  About two months ago, DH was fussing that I needed to get an oil change in my car, not once, not twice, but probably more than any "grown a** woman" needs.  I finally looked at him and asked him to take care of it for me.  His response? "If something were to ever happen to me, you need to know how to take care of these things".  I fired back with "I know how to take it to a mechanic plus my dad used to always do this stuff for me".  Next thing I knew my car had an oil change!  DH was kind enough to take it.  Fast forward to now.
Dad drove my car the other day to take Peanut to the local library.  When he got back, he asked me if I was aware of that noise in my car.  I told him I was and I just hadn't had a chance to have it looked at.  Well after a short conversation with DH, mom and dad, it was decided that we would have the car looked at while I was here.  When the mechanic called to explain what was going on with my car he asked for my dad, I told him he could talk to me - hey it was my car right? Dad got on the phone too and did all the talking!  Thank goodness!!!!  I was honestly clueless!  Dad saves the day or as I said earlier, when all else fails, dad takes care of it.

I know that many of you have experienced this, you are in the middle of telling your child to do or do not do something.  It really doesn't matter what it is but you are on a roll and then it happens, the one thing that you swore would NEVER happen, your parent comes out!!!!  AHHHHHH horrors (crap that is a dadism)!!!!!!!!  Until now, I did not realize how many times I open up my mouth and one comes out!!!!  But there are some life lessons that ESSENTIAL, because I said so (crap a momism)!!!!  But as my brother and I often assure my mom and dad - don't worry the kids turned out okay!!!! 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Summer Vacation!!!

Today marks the official first day that I did not have to wake up at 4:30 to go to work!  It is summer vacation.  I marked this momentous occasion by doing two things 1. I read a book FOR FUN!  That's right!  Not a journal article, not curricular material that needed to be evaluated, an honest to goodness pleasure read! 

My mom gave the book to me to read back in April.  I told her it was going to have to be when I was done with my grad class and the school year.  This was such a lovely story!!!  I tend to finish books quickly as I get sucked into the story and I just cannot wait to find out what happens to the characters that I love.  

2. I cleaned my kitchen top to bottom.  I wiped the cabinets down, dusted the light fixtures, wiped down the appliances and generally just gave everything a good scrub.  Look how shiny it all is!!!

 So far, I would say that this vacation has started off a success!!!  Looking forward to a mini trip this week with the peanut, starting some professional reading that was given to me and continuing my cleaning rampage on the house!!!!!!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Baseball Conversations

So yesterday afternoon DH and I ventured downtown to the ball game to celebrate my BFF's birthday.  I normally do not get too much into baseball except that they were playing my hometown team and well since it has been forever since I have gotten there for a game the next best thing is to see them here.  Of course this is the 2nd time I have had this opportunity and my team lost again, my brother may ban me from these games if this continues!  Anywho, one really observes some interesting characters during these games, for example:

Interesting Character Number 1:
Skinny Guy
As the game progresses it  is normal for people to get up to use the restroom, get a bite to eat or get a drink.  However, how many times do you really need to get up?  AND everytime you get up, as you walk through the aisle do you really need to tell people "don't get up, I'm skinny I can go right through" EVERY SINGLE PASS THROUGH?  Seriously!?!?!?!?!  The first time he went by I looked at DH and said "I think he just called me fat!", The second time DH and I were not in our seats so we missed it but my BFF said he was being annoying, The third time he announced his skinniness I calmly stated that he "probably needed to eat a cheeseburger or two otherwise I may have to shove my skinny straw up his skinny you know what!"  What a tool box!  Oh and by the way - guys: skinny jeans are not for you, please stop wearing our pants!

Interesting Character Numbers 2 and 3:
Ladies Lacking a Filter
Behind us, were 2 women in my best guess to be in their 30's.  Their conversations spanned the topic spectrum.  My first favorite being about the one woman's two children who are "a handful" but she is very excited because her hubby is working on his MBA and she has decided that her undergrad in philosophy and chemistry just isn't doing it for her and will begin working on her Master's in Special Education this fall.  REALLY?!?!?!?!?  How is that even remotely related?  My BFF (who teaches with me) and I were cracking up!!!!  Don't worry though, it didn't stop here!!!  While BFF and I were at the bathroom these women decided to discuss the one woman's fertility treatmentss and her frozen eggs!  WHO has these types of conversations IN PUBLIC????  Are they for real???

Interesting Character Number 4:
Wave Guy
This poor guy was having a wonderful time.  He was throwing back the brews with his buddies and generally enjoying the game.  But there comes a time where bystanders such as myself really start to feel sorry for him.  All he really wanted was to start the wave.  Our section cooperated so as to appease him but once it left our section the wave became nothing more than a few straggling ripples in a giant pond.  Eventually someone who works at the the ballpark came and started to escort him out.  The guy's wife or girlfriend was with the employee so we aren't really sure if they were just messing with him but he left.  After he walked away there was about a 3 section wave and a huge cheer.  Poor guy!  

All in all we had an amazing time!  Unfortunately people are probably not safe sitting around me as I suck it all in and share with the rest of the world!!!!  

Saturday, June 1, 2013

An Adventure!

So yesterday was my annual field trip to the local Dairy Queen with my students.  This is a walking field trip and sometimes one really takes a gamble with the weather.  In the last 5 years of doing this field trip, yesterday was our most exciting adventure to date!  The walk is about a mile and a half one way so we spend the afternoon making this trip.  As we left school yesterday the sun was shining, the sky was blue and there was a nice breeze in the air.  The kids had a ball walking and talking with one another as well as me.  A school down the road was having their field day and giant bounce houses were on the front lawn make my kiddos smile in delight as they thought about their upcoming field day next week.  By the time we reached DQ it had become overcast and the wind had picked up.  The kiddos got their ice cream and we sat at a picnic table to eat.  
Then there were a few drips of rain.  As we cleaned up, there was a huge crash of thunder.  My kiddos screamed.  I got them all lined up and we began the track back to school.  The kids were so good, I told them that we were going to be ok, we may get rained on but we will be rained on together and we will be ok.  As we walked back, the local police department pulled up in a large van and began shuttling my class and the other two classes back to school.  The deputy chief saw us walking to DQ and started watching the weather.  He was able to shuttle us all back in 3 trips before it started POURING!!!!!  How awesome is that?!?!?!?!? Of course one of the first things a kiddo said when we got back was "I can't wait to tell my mom the police picked us up!!!"  Oh geeze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Car Conversations Take 2

So a few weeks ago, DH and I went on a small road trip for his birthday.  While we were in the car, this song came on and I was super excited because I totally LOVE it!  DH did not know that it was P!nk and also liked it.  Flash forward to last weekend.  We are in the car again, on a road trip again and this song comes on again.  I am ready to turn it up and sing along in true car singing fashion.  DH looks at me and says:

(DH) "I like this song but I hear it way too much!  It's played on EVERY station, even the adult contemporary station that they play at work!  AND I hear it 3 times a day just on my way to work!"

(ME) "What?  I like NEVER hear it!  Maybe I am driving to work at the wrong time!"

(DH) "I really do like the song, it's just getting to be too much."

(ME) "Can we listen to it anyway?"

20 Minutes later:

(ME) "Wahoo!  It's on!"

(DH) "Seriously? Do you see what I am saying?"

(ME) "What?"

25 Minutes Later

(ME) "Sweet! LOVE it!"

(DH) "Ok, now do you see. This is the 3rd time!"

All in all, in the 4 hour drive we heard this song 5 times.  Still LOVE it!  However on the return trip we didn't hear it all.  

(ME) "I can't believe we didn't hear the P!nk song that I love, love, love!"

(DH) "Awesome you just jinxed me"

Today this is the text message I received:

'I heard the P!nk song 4 times on my drive to work and now it is playing in the office'

**I have yet to hear it!**

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The View From the Porch (or in today's case the bay window)

So living in the center of town there are days where it can be very exciting on my street.  Not like car chase exciting, like where is the camera to catch the look on my face kind of exciting.  Yesterday was no different.  It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, people were out walking their dogs or doing yard work.  DH was outside mowing the front lawn and Peanut and I were in the house working on a scrapbook.  All of a sudden I no longer heard the lawn mower and looked out the window.  DH was speaking with someone who was parking in front of our neighbor's house.  As I am watching, a person comes from the direction of the ally that runs on the other side of our neighbor's house, yelling and looking angry. Hmmmm, what in the world could be going on?
On Friday, DH spoke with the owner of the building on the corner of our street as we are having difficulties with the tenants of the building parking up all of the spaces in front of our house (thus leaving garbage on our lawn) and the tenants also bring their large dog down to do his business on our lawn.  Now, I am a dog lover, I have 3 of my own but there is a reason my dogs do their business in the back yard, also we live in a town where it is expected that you clean up after your dog when you walk them.  Well that isn't happening and we found many little gifts in our yard.  Anywho, the landlord told DH that he should write a nice letter or speak to the tenants about this less than desirable behavior.
The opportunity presented itself yesterday.  However I don't think it went planned the way the landlord felt it would.  DH was called every name under the sun and pretty much told they will continue to do whatever they want.  Awesome.  Fortunately, a police officer was readily available and DH had a very productive conversation with him.  Maybe once they get a ticket for their dog doo we can lay this to rest.  

*As a side note, after I began writing this, I noticed a large group of teens walking down the street.  They proceeded to walk through every yard on our street, maybe they need a flip flop full of dog doo!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Car Conversations

So yesterday a I picked Peanut up from Preschool.  As we were driving home I was asking her about her day.  The following is the conversation that transpired:

Me: How was your day?

Peanut: It was great!  We watched a movie!

Me: How fun!  What movie did you watch?

Peanut: An ABC movie.  But my teacher had to put a square into a rectangle so that we could watch the movie.

Me (thinking) a square into a rectangle? OMG! A VCR and video!  She has NEVER seen these!!!

Me: Peanut that rectangle is called a VCR and the square is a video.

Peanut: No mommy!  It's a movie.

Me: Ok, but a video is how the movie is played on the VCR

Peanut: Oh, ok!

Who knew that I would ever have to explain what a VCR was?!?!?!?!?!  Can't wait to show her a rotary dial phone!!!!!!!